Online Application Form

Part A: Award Applicant Information

* required field
Award Category *

Please select below category:
Listed Company
Large Enterprise / Private Company

Do you want to join optional Award Category?

Company Name *
Type of Company *

upload file
Please upload a non-profit salutationanisation certificate (exempt from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance) as identity proof
Stock Code
Company Address *
Salutation *
Applicant / Contact person *

Email *
Office Tel *
Mobile No. *
Applicant Name *

Salutation *
Position *

Company Name *
Company Address *
Contact Person *
Email *
Office Tel *
Mobile No. *

Part B: Company Achievement Under “E” , “S” and “G” * (for Category 1 & 2)

1. Describe your company’s achievement under Environmental (500 words or less)

Total word Count : 0      Words left. 0

2. Describe your company’s achievement under Social (500 words or less)

Total word Count : 0      Words left. 0

3. Describe your company’s achievement under Governance (500 words or less)

Total word Count : 0      Words left. 0

Part B: Company Achievement Under ESG * (for Category 4)
1. Please illustrate how ESG elements are integrated into the business and operation of the group/organisation with an explanation of their relevance (i.e. ESG integration and relevance) (500 words or less)

Total word Count : 0      Words left. 0

2. Please illustrate how ESG creates long-term value to the group/organisation (in terms of revenue growth, cost reduction, productivity uplift, avoiding legal & regulator interventions and investment and asset optimization/CAPEX) (500 words or less)

Total word Count : 0      Words left. 0

Part B: Provide answers to the following questions * (for Category 8)

1. Provide an example of initiative or project you implemented that demonstrate commitment to ESG (500 words or less)

Total word Count : 0      Words left. 0

2. What and how can a senior management champion the ESG principles and drive progress (e.g. worked with other department and/or stakeholders)

Total word Count : 0      Words left. 0

3. How have you prepared and position the company future by adapting to the evolving ESG trends (500 words or less)

Total word Count : 0      Words left. 0

Part C: *

Latest ESG Report (for Category 1)
ESG / CSR / Sustainability Report (for Category 2)
Product Factsheet, Prospectus, and/or Audit Report (for Category 3)
Evidence and Detail (for Category 5)
Showcase Evidence of Internal and External Workshops and Sharing Sessions (for Category 6)
Detailed Case Study Report (for Category 7)
Latest Resume (for Category 8)
upload file

Please zip and upload all related pdf file(s).

Part D: Company Logo (1600x900 pixels in AI and jpeg format) *

upload file
upload file
Max. 4MB


Part E: Supplementary Documents as Supporting Proof (Optional)

Appendix (in PDF format)
upload file
Max. 5MB
Appendix (in PDF format)
upload file
Max. 5MB
Appendix (in MP4 format)
upload file
Max. 50MB


Part F: Funds Invested *

There are currently 174 ESG-related funds approved by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC).


Please list the fund company and fund name
What is the proportion of the fund's investment in the company's shares / number of shares


Part G: Application Fee

* NGO is required to submit a non-profit organisation certificate (exemption document under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance) as identity proof.

after 5% discount

Part H: Payment Method *

Paypal     Cheque

For cheque payment, please send a crossed cheque to "INSTITUTE OF ESG & BENCHMARK LIMITED” and mailed to the following address: 
ESG Achievement Awards 2022/2023 Secretariat 
c/o Creative Consulting Group Inc. Limited
4/F, Lee Garden 3, Causeway Bay
Attn: Ms Jesa Amparo
Tel: +852 3769 6408


By submitting this form, we consent to the processing of our company data contained therein by Award Organising Committee for the purposes of the ESG Achievement Awards 2022/2023. We recognise and accept that the approval of successful application lies with the Organising Committee and Assessment Panel.
We hereby declare and certify that the information submitted in this application is factual and accurate.
We hereby declare and certify that the information submitted in the supplementary reference materials in attachment with the application form is factual and accurate.

How did you learn about ESG Achievement Awards 2022/2023?

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Colleagues
  • Awards website
  • Direct Email Marketing (edm)
  • Others (please specify)